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Downtown Navasota Aerial PhotoThe 2005 Downtown Navasota Parking Study was a follow-on project to the 2004 Navasota Comprehensive Plan. Citizens, business owners, and government officials desired an objective and statistically based analysis of the parking situation in the Downtown District. Geographic Information System (GIS) based analysis was conducted on parking activity statistics collected over several months by Butler Planning Services. This analysis revealed interesting trends and conditions relating to overall occupancy, parking space turnover, and employee parking habits. Recommendations were presented wherein effective supply and physical capacity could be increased through short and long-term action items. The initial components of a district-wide parking policy were also introduced.

Texas APA Planning AwardsThe Study and the City of Navasota received a Texas APA Project Planning Award for 2005. The recognition was intended to highlight an innovative, transferable, and comprehensive plan applying to a specific project or area within a city. Implementation of the recommendations of the Study began quickly and included several reconfigurations of on-street parking groups and maintenance/upgrades to parking signage. Citizen taskforce participation in the design of a new pocket park/parking lot was also conducted as the Study was under final consideration. Construction on Phase 1 of the site has now been completed. Further efforts geared toward Downtown revitalization are being considered including a full revitalization plan.

HTML and PDF versions of the study:

Table of Contents and Executive Summary
       HTML | Low Res PDF | High Res PDF
Section 1: Introduction
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Section 2: Existing Conditions
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Section 3: Parking Zone Analysis
       HTML | Low Res PDF | High Res PDF
Section 4: Overall Analysis & Recommendations
       HTML | Low Res PDF | High Res PDF
Section 5: Action Agenda
       Low Res PDF (111 KB) | High Res PDF (637 KB)
Section 6: Final Recommendation
       Low Res PDF (98 KB) | High Res PDF (624 KB)
Section 7: Methodology
       Low Res PDF (287 KB) | High Res PDF (937 KB)

Interactive Maps:








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