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Executive Summary......................................................v

Section 1: Introduction..................................................1
Nature of Downtown
Urban Fabric
Land and Structure Use
Influences on Parking
Study Area

Section 2: Existing Conditions.........................................9
The Common Perception
Existing Parking Supply
Reserved Parking
Time Limits
Handicapped Parking
Parking Restrictions
Parking Group Definitions/Criteria
Demand, Turnover, and Employee Parking
Parking Usage and Patterns
Employee Parking

Section 3: Parking Zone Analysis...................................33
Parking Zones
Parking Zone 1
Parking Zone 2
Parking Zone 3
Parking Zone 4
Parking Zone 5

Section 4: Overall Analysis and Recommendations.........49
Future Land Use Conditions
Increasing the Supply
Effective Supply
Increasing Effective Supply through Management and Construction
Specific Recommendations by Parking Zone

Section 5: Action Agenda
Parking Zone 1
Parking Zone 2
Parking Zone 3
Parking Zone 4
Parking Zone 5

Section 6: Final Recommendation.................................81
Follow-up Planning Efforts

Section 7: Methodology...............................................85
Land/Structure Use
Parking Demand
Employee Parking


Butler Planning Services would like to thank the Navasota City Council, Planning and Zoning Commission, City Staff, and citizens for their help and support throughout this project.

Butler Planning Services

Christopher Butler (Principle Planner/Author, Editing, Geographic Information System Analysis)
Robin Stover (Editing)

Ken Fogle (Senior Transportation Planner, City of College Station)
David Pugh, FAICP (Associate Professor (Ret.), Texas A&M University)
Charles Wood, CEcD (Assistant Director of Economic Development, City of College Station)


The Downtown Navasota Parking Study is an analysis of the existing parking situation with proposals intended to improve current conditions. The study analyzes parking demand, turnover, employee parking, parking management, parking design, and parking ownership. An analysis of related topics is also conducted including issues such as existing and future development and its impact on parking supply.

The first two sections of the study identify the current conditions within Downtown. A brief development history, current land use, and study area definition are included. The various data sets collected for the study are also discussed including parking demand, turnover rates, employee parking, circulation, and overall demand patterns within Downtown.

To facilitate planning and discussion, Downtown was broken into five parking zones. Section 3 of this study is an analysis presented for each of the zones covering all collected data sets.

In the fourth section a discussion of what impact redevelopment within Downtown may have on the existing parking situation is presented. Strategies for handling both projected and current demands are also introduced. The strategies include the construction of new parking, modifications to existing parking, and recommendations on management techniques which can significantly improve the efficiency of parking within Downtown.

An action agenda is also provided in Section 5 which summarizes each recommendation in a "point by point" listed format. Cross references are also included for each point back into the text where full explanations and supporting maps can be found.

Final recommendations are then made regarding what further work is needed to fully implement the proposals found within this study.

Site designed by Butler Planning Services
© 2005 Butler Planning Services